Therapy for students in Glasgow
Did you know that the student population may experience higher higher levels of anxiety and lower levels of happiness than the general population?How we can help students
We are experienced in working with students and young people with a wide range of issues including anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression, eating disorders, and relationship issues among others.Common reasons why students struggle with mental health
Student mental health can be impacted by a number of things including:- Less access to their emotional support network - family and friends
- Worries about academic performance
- Worries about money
Mental health support at universities
Many universities and colleges provide support for students who are struggling including mental health support and this is worth checking out as it is usually free. However, provision can be very varied throughout the UK. Another issue is that students are often wary of using university provided services and many are simply not seeking help as a result.
Common mental health concerns of students
The most common issues that students experience are anxiety, stress and loneliness, but there are many other issues too. International students - why they may struggle more
International students are living away from their home, their culture (which may be hugely different to ours), and their family and friends. They may also have paid a large sum of money to be educated in the UK and this may add to financial worries and academic pressure. Find out more about our services for international students
Therapy sessions to fit around study time
We offer both in-person and online therapy sessions or a combination of both. The latter can be particularly helpful for student clients who may wish to see somebody face-to-face during term time and continue with their therapy during holiday periods. Our centres are open every day and evening during the week and during the day on Saturdays, so we can usually offer therapy options to fit around your student commitments. Parents of students
When grown up children leave home and go to university or college, it can be an incredibly stressful time and when they are struggling it can be hard to know what to do for the best. If your young person is willing, we can speak to them in confidence and, if they wish, book them in for a session with one of our experienced practitioners. Our practitioners are all handpicked by us and we carry out a number of checks to ensure they have the necessary qualifications, supervision, etc. to offer their therapy services.Get in touch
Get in touch to find out more about our services for students. Practitioners offering Therapy for Students in Glasgow: